Reveal a Fresh Perspective

This season invites us to declare a fresh break, upend the old habits, and reveal a new perspective.

How are you doing as the CEO of your life? Before you dive in and do all the things, have you determined the end result? What’s your vision of an ideal week or month, and are you working toward it? For some of us, being the chief executive includes running a business. For others, it doesn’t; either way, you’re the boss of you! This season of renewal is well-suited to asking yourself quality questions and proclaiming the answers.

Our brains love to go to work on answering our questions, whether they’re good or bad. There is such a thing as bad questions, ones that don’t serve you. Challenge your brain to think of answers that will excite you, require new skills, and open new doors. Don’t talk yourself out of what’s possible this year by asking the wrong things. For example, “Why doesn’t anything work for me?” “Why can’t I figure this out?” These are not inquiries you want your brilliant mind to answer. Instead, ask something like this: “What are ten new ideas to get the result I want?” Guide your brain to offer interesting choices, and be open to what you hear.

Consider that your questions send a message to clients, your team, and your family. Author Joe Dispenza, in his book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, prompts us to ask, “What am I broadcasting (consciously or unconsciously) on a daily basis?”

Write down questions that inspire your best ideas:

  • How can I work less and earn more?

  • What if it’s possible to…..write the book, get the job, close the client, start my business, experience more calm? What would that look like?

  • What kind of mom/partner/friend do I want to be this year?

  • What are ten new ways to reach my revenue goals?

  • What are five fun ideas for a friend’s night out?

Complete the “What if it’s possible to….” sentence with whatever speaks to you, serves you, and helps you accomplish your mission.

Here’s my question for you…What are you willing to do differently this year to build the life you love?

Stretch into Possibilities

Are you bringing the energy to finish the year strong, or are thoughts of pause and delay creeping in? If left to our own devices, we can think of reasons not to start that new and exciting thing. You might be thinking, surely there’s a better time, and it might even feel true. In most cases, it’s not. And years can slip by in the waiting. If you’re putting off your next step, it’s likely because it’s outside of your comfort zone, and it feels awkward and uncomfortable. That’s all the more reason to keep going. Deciding to move forward means recognizing discomfort is part of the journey. Treat those uncomfortable thoughts as passengers along for your exciting ride!

Putting your creative skills into the world is some of the most rewarding and fulfilling work you’ll do. Don’t let delay divert your dreams. stretch into possibilities.

When we started Red & Rugged, we had no retail experience or background in selling upscale handcrafted gifts online. (Before 2020, some people turned their noses up at our online-only business; post-2020, we were suddenly so smart!) We had to learn it all. There were skills, client relationships, and processes that had to be figured out, so we did. I started at the ground level and ended up selling to global executives and accomplished business owners. One day at a time, one skill at a time.

What’s holding you back? As you ponder the answer, know that there is always something that can make building your business inconvenient or challenging. Decide that now is the right time, and you have all the skills you need to figure it out. You can choose to pivot, tweak, go a new direction, and get creative in your problem-solving. Ask for help, read, watch an instructional video, get coaching, etc. Embrace the feeling of having your own back and shining your light into the world. Part-time, full-time, or as a side business, it doesn’t matter. Either way, you’re putting your creative talents out there, willing to try, fail, alter the process, and go again to succeed. Rinse and repeat.

What if, a year from now you wake up and realize you’ve acquired a ton of new skills? You’re a whole different person - that is exciting! Imagine the possibilities when you stretch your capabilities.

Are you ready to make this your season of growth? To declare the time is now to put your creative talents into the world. Learn new skills, think differently, connect with customers, and step into the next version of yourself. If the answer is, heck yes! I invite you to join me in the Creatv Catalyst.

Stop Spinning in Place

Have you ever had weeks that feel like this? Tasks get sideways, and suddenly it feels like things are starting to spin out of control. One minute, there’s calm, and the next, priorities collide; new projects, client follow-ups, and content deadlines need our attention. Throw in a dash of unexpected events, and well, now it’s really fun. Sounds like running a business, right? Left unchecked, our thinking can easily spin with indecision, but here’s a happier alternative.

Take one next step. Putting yourself in motion cuts the drama because now you’ve taken action. Remind yourself, this is the best next step with what I know today. Learn to move forward calmly and quickly, then execute and evaluate your plan.

It may or may not be the ultimate right decision, but it keeps your focus forward and off constantly rehashing options. (My brain loves a good rehashing, so just know this takes practice.)

If you determine a change is necessary, then make that next decision. In six months, you’ll have taken massive action and learned a lot of lessons. You’ll be a different, smarter person - be proud of that.

The savvy CEO you’re becoming does not lose large chunks of time and mental energy spinning in place; they are in motion, deciding and recalibrating while moving closer to their goals.

If you’re ready to take the next step in building a thriving business you love, join me in the Creatv Catalyst.

Let Luck Find a Path to Your Door

Luck, and being ready for it, is showing up all over my life - in my feeds, in conversations, in the newspapers I read, and on my favorite podcasts. I love that, and I don’t consider it a coincidence. I believe luck has a lot to do with our thinking. How’s your luckometer doing these days? Is it off the charts, or do you need to move the needle a bit?

While I don’t think we summon luck on demand, I believe it happens when you place yourself in environments or situations that make it easy for chance to fall in your favor. You make the proactive effort to be visible, raising the odds of an unexpected connection, crossing paths with that hard-to-reach client, or getting an introduction to an esteemed colleague.

A few years back, I was asked to speak at an event I thought wasn’t a great match for our business, but I decided to do it anyway. Something I said sparked a connection with an attendee, who referred me to their boss, leading to many valuable sales. You never know the good that can happen until you show up.

Maybe it’s time to invite luck over, to remind yourself to step out, visit customers, invest in the training, catch up with colleagues, send handwritten notes, and attend the event. Meet some new people. Think differently. Be open to new opportunities.

Let luck find an easy path to your doorstep.

If this inspires you to read more on the topic, Ina Garten has written a new book, Be Ready When the Luck Happens. (You may recognize her from the Food Network's “Barefoot Contessa.”) Although I’m not a huge cooking fan, I enjoy reading memoirs and biographies and look forward to learning from her stories.

If you’re ready to change your thinking and step into new opportunities, join me in the Creatv Catalyst.

The Ripple Effect

One of the most thought-provoking and positive things about sharing our journey online is the ability to impact people we’ll never meet.

We get caught up in our metrics and achieving new goals, and we forget that others may admire something entirely different. Our tendency is to keep the list of incomplete items front and center, so we can’t possibly miss it. We narrow our focus and skate over what we’ve accomplished and the lessons we’ve learned - how far we’ve come.

People are moved by more than success in your journey. You never know who’s watching and how they interpret your efforts. Often, you note failures and missed opportunities while others celebrate your persistence, willingness to get up and go again, and ability to learn, think differently, and do better next time. In other words, they aspire to your level of determination and growth, and just maybe, it encourages them to stand up and try one more time.

What do your kids see in your journey, your neighbor down the street, the struggling Mom in another state, your coworker down the hall, or the frustrated young woman around the globe? What if your work inspires one person to get up and try again for their goals, to believe in themselves enough to make a fresh start?

Your work has a powerful ripple effect. Keep showing up and moving toward your dream, and imagine the wave of women, young ladies, and students who are emboldened to do the same.

This is how we spark a movement of people who see and believe they can do what they love at work and play or how we generate a wave of new business owners who take the next step and bring their creative skills to the world. Let’s ride that wave.

Where the Magic Happens

When the box is opened, the outfit is worn, or the photos are framed—whatever your creative element—having clients select, share, and celebrate your work is one of the most fulfilling aspects of running a business.

Most people quit before they reach this moment because getting here means talking to people they’ve never met and facing rejection. It also means fulfillment, satisfaction, and pride.

As you look to build your business, I encourage you to stop spinning in the comfort of the creative process and step into the power and growth of making client connections. Imagine the impact of your work helping one family today, inspiring one person, or elevating one customer’s experience.

Meeting future clients allows you to talk about your product, see what flows naturally, and determine where you need more thought and practice. You’ll hear questions that never occur to you. Why? Because we’re too close to our work. You don’t know what assumptions you’ve made until someone comments or inquires about something you thought was obvious. This is how we learn. This is how you make your offer more succinct. It’s how you get to your big dreams.

When the voice of doubt creeps in, be proactive and redirect that noise. What if it all goes great?! You’ll meet new people and glean valuable feedback no matter what happens. Like it or not, it’s all tied together. This is the road to success. Be willing to make the video, have the call, and go on the appointment.

From your client’s perspective, they appreciate a genuine conversation over a slick sales deck. They know when you’ve done your research and hear the passion as you share how your product adds value to their life or business. Even if they don’t buy today, this is how long-term relationships are built.

Connection is where the magic happens.

Stepping Out to Shine and Serve

There are times when you arrive at a moment of distinction and direction in the most unexpected way.

Sometimes, unpredictable events unfold that, in the end, make perfect sense. It’s like finding that last puzzle piece without the box cover, and the whole picture becomes clear. 

The transition we’ve just completed feels a lot like that. 

If you’ve been with us for a minute, you know that Rugged retired from his 40-year day job this past December in 2023, an opportunity that occurred earlier than we anticipated (read more on that here). His new-found freedom allowed us to complete passion projects that had been on hold, host new artisan client experiences, and relax in reflection, dreaming of possibilities. 

Over the summer, as Rugged and I discussed our vision and next business steps together, we realized his retirement opened up options for both of us - in different ways. The more we talked about the future, the more it became clear that we’re excited about a host of personal options together but different business directions. And so we shift into our next exciting evolution at Red & Rugged.

Red (on right), here we go!

Starting in September, Rugged will transition to fully enjoying retirement—the freedom to fish, hunt, golf, cook (make us pizza!), travel, and more! On the flip side, I’m excited to weave my decades of business experience with my artful and imaginative skills. Given my long history working with entrepreneurs (read more here), I feel like this piece completes my puzzle picture. In my new role as a business creatives’ coach, I’m expanding my existing work with women, engaging and uplifting talented, creative professionals as they build thriving businesses they love. (Read more of what’s next at BizCreatv.)

What about the artisan element? I’m a big believer in elevating the everyday, and that unique, beautifully textured elements embolden sharp thinking and inspire fresh approaches. Simply put, they make life more fun! As such, I’ll infuse a distinct artisan experience into my individual, special group, and VIP activities.

Looking back at the last seven years, we are proud and humbled to have built lasting relationships and many treasured friendships - in our artisan community, inside the corporate C-Suites, with global executives, renowned hospitality professionals, boutique business owners, and discerning individuals.

We invite you to raise a beloved artisan glass and celebrate with us. I hope you’re excited to see what’s ahead as Rugged enjoys a well-earned retirement, and I move forward with great enthusiasm in this new direction.

It's Not Downtime; It's Deposit Time

Stepping out onto the back patio, iced coffee in hand, I appreciate the opportunity to dial back the intensity and scale up the creativity. These long sunny days invite us to actively deposit into our creative account. It’s not an actual bank account but the space in your mind that holds all your lucrative, unique ideas.

Eastern Shore, Maryland

If you’re feeling depleted or need a boost, you’re in good company. Spring was a fast-paced season. From planning promotions to writing emails, social media to new product designs, and connecting with customers—all activities that require your unique touch to be memorable. Don’t think of summer as downtime; it’s deposit time.

You can dial it back and infuse the sights and sounds around you to replenish your creative coffer. This season of greater outdoor adventure is your chance to refill the imaginative energy you withdraw all year long.

We’ve learned that this mindset isn’t nice to have; it’s a must-do. Your distinct gifts are what make your work valuable, whether in a career, job, side gig, or full-time business. You need a clear mind and a full creative cup to deliver.

I heard someone recently suggest taking time to learn nature’s first language: silence. See the beauty of what’s unfolding on your neighborhood walk, hiking the trails, or strolling the shorelines. Notice the colorful beach towels and festive umbrellas. Enjoy the patterned plates, vibrant fruits and vegetables at the market, and the bubbly spirits. And, oh, the sunsets.

Mother Nature works hard to inspire you, elevate your thinking, and plant the seeds of ideas destined for your fabulous future. Accept the invitation and slow down long enough to receive it.

For more on this topic - visit our BizCreatv page.